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Photo Festival

Happy that my art was part of this international

exhibition. It was held from 25th May to 30th of May

2019, at Hangaram Design Museum, Seoul Arts Center

in Seoul | South Korea. 


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PROVOCATEUR & Kerstin Kuntze

Hach... ich bin supersuperfroh in dem extrem beeindruckenden Visions libres Magazine • zu erscheinen .... herzlichen Dank, Louisa Dawn!
I'm sooooo happy to be a part of the awesome • Provocateur 
a Special-Edition of Visions Libres Magazine

Attention: »PROVOCATEUR« is online now. Take a look >>>
If you like to have a Print-Edition as Magazine, follow this Link:

Thanks a lot to Peter de Kuster the founder of "The Heroine's Journey" who asked me to become a part of this amazing project ::

The Heroine’s Journey of Kerstin Kuntze

What is the best thing that I love about my work? 
Creating art is accompanied by hard work and sometimes … orgasmic fulfilment… I want more of that…. so I work and work and work.
What is my idea of perfect happiness? 
Last week I was driving in my car thinking about what I’d do if I have just one more month to live. I smiled, because I’m in love with my perfect imperfect life.
What is my greatest fear?   
I have a lot of trust in life. To lose this trust because something terrible is happening to my family is my greatest fear.
What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? 
I ‘m just human, sometimes mean and often very nice. I love myself just the way I am… a beautiful construction site.
Working on my lifelong project to be “good”.
What is my greatest extravagance?  
To do what I love most. Raising three wonderful children & making art….plus….being able to swim almost every day.
On what occasion would I lie?  
I love this question.
What is the influence of role models, in my work and in my life?  
An inner compulsion and deep passion to create art is a powerful part of me since I was a kid. My professors were important for me just like artist friends now. Otto Näscher gave that sentences to me: Lustvoll der eigenen Entwicklung zuarbeiten.
which means….Working joyful on your own developement.
What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work?  
The financial part.
When and where was I the happiest, in my work? 
I’m really good in being happy. Thankful for so much….when I’m taking photos underwater….
when an image suceeds…having an exhibition…being published international….
seeing the brighthappy face of a customer…there a many “happiest” in my life.
If I could, what would I change about myself?  
I’d love to be a singer…my voice would definitly need a change for that. A project for my next life. In this life I wouldn't change a thing. Growing is a much nicer word.
What is my greatest achievement in work? 
I’ll tell you that when I’m 99. Until then I’m very happy with making people who see or buy my art…happy.
What is my most inspirational location, in my city?  
My home & the Seedammbad outdoor pool in Bad Homburg.
Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime?  
I’m deeply grateful to have the support of my husbandthreechildrenfamilyfriendsfansswimmersandmanymore.
Whom would I like to work with in the future?  
With the curator of a museum who plans an exhibition of my art.
What project, in the nearby future, am I looking forward to work on? 
I’ll work on a book about “WASSERLUST” … the joy of swimming.
How can you contact me?
Meet me in the pool or here:
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Thanks a lot to Peter de Kuster  the founder of  The Heroine's Journey
"All these heroes and heroines of past and present created the literature, the art, the buildings, the movies, the music, the design, the opera, the life stories who inspired many of us. Their passion, their love, their journey can inspire you today on your own heroine’s journey. To make your money doing what you love. To do what you are. Inspiring us and others to come."

Find more stories here:

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zwischen all den gedanken war noch platz für ein gefühl°

im dunkel das licht°

recurring dream°

es ist als umarmtest du 

zwischen all den gedanken war noch platz für ein

die sehnsucht schläft nicht
sie jagt dich°

die nacht liebt 

ich finde alles
in dir°

vergrab deine träume
unter meiner haut°


schenk mir gold

leg dich zu mir
in die glut°

er hatte wolken vor den augen
und sah die sonne nicht°

ich zeig dir meinen keller
wenn du mich mit aufs dach nimmst°

KK Kunst für deine Wände